What’s the next arc after Wano in One Piece? There are 3 distinct possibilities. SPOILER WARNING! Major spoilers are ahead. Read at your own risk.

One Piece has been an ongoing manga for 25 years now. In those 25 years, both the manga and the anime have had significant arcs which are big determinants of how the plot might progress for the next couple of chapters/arcs. Take for example the first time the straw hats arrived in Sabaody. Though of course, the disappearance of the straw hats was planned by the author, Eiichiro Oda, no one would have thought that that particular incident would be one of the reasons for a big event: the time skip.

There are several other arcs within the series that constitute almost the same phenomena. Robin’s first appearance in Little Island, the introduction of the SMILE factory in Dressrosa, and of course, the most famous of them all, the shadow figure, later identified as the sun god Nika, first appears in Skypeia.

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Eiichiro Oda is known for leaving no stone unturned, and that is practically why many fans love the series. It’s Oda’s attention to the littlest of details having a big impact on the show. Fans always are on edge whenever a new chapter of the manga comes out.

 If you’ve been keeping up with the One Piece manga, you are probably aware that one of the longest, if not the longest Arc of the series had just ended. Wano officially ended in One Piece Chapter 1057. The final act of the play concludes the whole legend and story of the greatest shogun of Wano, Kozuki Momonosuke. 

What Happened in Wano?

Although Wano as an arc revolves around the history of Kozuki Oden the Country of Wano being led by the notorious emperor Kaido, it still holds some of the most crucial information of the series which would inevitably lead to Luffy’s journey to becoming a pirate king. During the Wano Arc, we find out that one of the three weapons is actually within Wano, and Nico Robin, the crew’s archaeologist, was tasked to take with her the information regarding the said ancient weapon.

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It was also during the arc when we finally get to see the awakening of two of the crew’s devil fruit eaters: Nico Robin, and Monkey D. Luffy. According to fan theories (which I also would believe is canon), during the timeskip, Robin had the chance to awaken her powers to the fullest. She didn’t have the chance to have a full-on fight with anyone after the timeskip, so it wasn’t really shown, however, during her fight with Black Maria in Wano, she finally revealed her awakened form, the Demonyo Fleur. 

The second straw hat whose awakening was revealed later on is Luffy’s. His devil fruit awakening was the most significant of all as it showed that the awakened version of his devil fruit is actually the Powerful Sun God Nika. 

But after all these new changes and discoveries, where would the straw hats go next?

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3 Possible Arcs After Wano

It has been a great debate among fans as to what Oda’s next move will be. The road is… clear but hazy at this point. Nothing is certain, and with everything happening around the world while the straw hats were at Wano, it’s definitely going to be a challenge guessing the arc that comes next. But here are 3 possible arcs that the series might go through:

Post Wano Arc

Post Wano Arc – It will take a while to process everything that happened at Wano. Since this is the case, it is highly possible that Oda might make us take in what we know so far about the road poneglyphs, the weapon, and Luffy’s awakening. This, of course, will not come easy. There is so much to process, and so much to take in. Wano is a closed country, and we’ve only had a glimpse of the outside world since the story has focused solely on the country of Wano.

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Post Reverie Arc

One of the most significant details that were shown during the Wano arc is the events during the gathering of the royals: the Reverie. Before Wano started, there was a 20-episode arc about who was attending the Reverie. As significant figures arrived, we see how big of a gathering it actually was. However, during the last scenes in Wano, it was revealed that there was chaos during the gathering, and key figures like Princess Vivi from Alabasta, Princess Shirahoshi from Fish Island, and Rebecca from Dressrosa were all affected. Luffy’s brother, Sabo, is seen as the reason for this chaos, though nothing is good as confirmed *yet.* It is possible that after the Wano arc, Oda will clear things up with regard to the events at the Reverie. 

Country of Elbaf Arc

One of the most famous of fan theories is that the straw hats will be going to the Island of the Giants, Elbaf. Many have suggested that the fourth, and last of the road poneglyph is found there. If you remember, Elbaf is the country where the Little Garden Giants Dorry and Brogy come from. They passionately tell Usopp about this Island and since then, it has become Usopp’s dream to visit the Island of the Giants, as they were his idea of a true warrior. 

Though nothing is for certain, many fans are definitely excited to watch and read where the story would lead. The One Piece manga will soon be releasing its 1060th Chapter, while the anime is releasing its 1033rd episode this week. 

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Janiene Lerio

A Romance and Slice-of-Life Anime enthusiast who's currently hyper-fixated on One Piece may not be ideal in a perfect world, but it's the best description that describes me! I have been writing for as long as I can remember and being able to combine writing with another one of my hobbies is such a joy.